CSCS Library of Michael Silverstein's Works

Michael Silverstein (1945-2020)
Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor, Departments of Anthropology, Linguistics, and Psychology
Contents of the CSCS Online Library of Michael Silverstein’s Works (Organized by Type of Publication)
- Monographs, Edited Books, Special Issues
- Articles, Essays, Chapters, Talks, Commentaries, etc.
- Reviews
- Obituaries, Biographical Essays
- Miscellaneous
Monographs, Edited Books, Special Issues
1969 Tsimshian and Penutian possessives. Studies in Penutian, IV:2. Ms monograph, 150pp. [not currently available in the CSCS library]
1971 Whitney on Language: Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney, ed. M. Silverstein, pp. vii–ix. Cambridge, MIT Press. (.pdf available here)
1972 Studies in Penutian, I. California. 1. The structure of an etymology. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Linguistics, Harvard University. Ms. in Harvard College Library. (.pdf available here)
1985 Ed., International Journal of American Linguistics 51(4):329–642. [Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, viii + 314 pp.] (.pdf of front matter available here)
1996 Natural Histories of Discourse, edited by M. Silverstein and G. Urban (Chicago: University of Chicago). (.pdf of Introduction available here)
2003 Talking Politics: The substance of style from Abe to “W.” Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press. (.pdf available here)
2009 Kigou-no shisou: Gendai gengo-jinrui-gaku-no ichi-kiseki – Shiruvaasutin ronbun-shuu. [Doctrine/idea of signs: A trajectory of contemporary linguistic anthropology – Collected works of Michael Silverstein.] Wataru Koyama, ed.; Trans. Takeshi Enomoto, Nobuhiro Furuyama, Wataru Koyama, and Tomokazu Nagai. Tokyo: Sangen-sha. [not currently available in the CSCS library]
2012 [with Michael Lempert] Creatures of Politics: Media, Message, and the American Presidency. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (.pdf of Introduction available here)
2022 Language in Culture: Lectures on the Social Semiotics of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Articles, Essays, Chapters, Talks, Commentaries, etc.
1964 Takelma revisited: A critical review of Sapir’s grammar. Papers from the Seminar on American Indian Linguistics [PSAIL], vol. 1. Harvard University, Department of Linguistics. (.pdf available here)
1964 Coos and Siuslaw. Papers from the Seminar on American Indian Linguistics [PSAIL], vol. 2. (.pdf available here)
1965 Penutian: The grammatical dimensions of Sapir’s hypothesis. Papers from the Seminar on American Indian Linguistics [PSAIL], vol. 2. Harvard University, Department of Linguistics. [Senior Honors Thesis, Harvard College.] (.pdf available here)
1969 [with Bruce J. Rigsby] “Nez Perce vowels and Proto-Sahaptian vowel harmony.” Language 45(1):45–59. (.pdf available here)
1971 Preface. In Whitney on Language: Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney, ed. M. Silverstein, pp. vii–ix. Cambridge, MIT Press. (.pdf available here)
1971 Whitney on Language. In Whitney on Language: Selected Writings of William Dwight Whitney, ed. M. Silverstein, pp. x–xxiii. Cambridge, MIT Press. (.pdf available here)
1972 Chinook Jargon: Language contact and the problem of multi-level generative systems, I. Language 48(2):378–406. (.pdf available here)
1972 Chinook Jargon: Language contact and the problem of multi-level generative systems, II. Language 48(3):596–625. (.pdf available here)
1972 Linguistic theory: Syntax, semantics, pragmatics. Annual Review of Anthropology 1:349–82. (.pdf available here)
1973 Dialectal developments in Chinookan tense-aspect systems, an areal-historical analysis. Ms. Presented to 8th International Conference on Salishan Languages, Eugene. (.pdf available here)
1973 “Distinctive features” in Leonard Bloomfield’s phonology. Ms. Read at Chicago Linguistic Society meeting, October. In E. Hamp, ed., Festschrift for Clarence E. Parmenter on his 85th Birthday [never published]. (.pdf available here)
1974 Dialectal developments in Chinookan tense-aspect systems: an areal-historical analysis. IJAL Memoirs, no. 29 [=IJAL 40(4), part II, no.2]. (.pdf available here)
1975 La sémiotique jakobsonienne et l’anthropologie sociale. L’Arc (Aix-en-Provence). 60:45–49. (.pdf available here)
1975 Linguistics and anthropology. In Linguistics and Neighboring Disciplines, edited by Renate Bartsch and Theo Vennemann, 157–70. Amsterdam: North Holland-Elsevier [Translation: Linguistik und Anthropologie. In Th. Vennemann & R. Bartsch, eds., Linguistik und Nachbarwissenschaften, 193–210. Trans. R. Bartsch (Tübingen: Skriptor Verlag, 1974).] (.pdf available here)
1975 On two California Penutian roots for two. International Journal of American Linguistics 41(4):369–80. (.pdf available here)
1976 Hierarchy of features and ergativity. In R. M. W. Dixon, ed., Grammatical Categories in Australian Languages, 112–71 (Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Aboriginal [and Torres Straits Islander] Studies). [Reprinted: P. Muysken & h. van Riemsdijk, eds., Features and Projections, 163–232 (Dordrecht: Foris, 1986).] (.pdf available here)
1976 Language as a part of culture. In S. Tax & L. G. Freeman, eds., Horizons of Anthropology, 2nd edition, 119–31 (Chicago: Aldine). (.pdf available here)
1976 Shifters, linguistic categories, and cultural description. In K. Basso & H. Selby, eds., Meaning in Anthropology, 11–55 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press). [Reprinted: B. Blount, ed., Language, Culture, and Society, 2nd ed., 187–221 (Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland, 1995).] (.pdf available here)
1977 Person, number, gender in Chinook: Syntactic rule and morphological analogy. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 3:143–56. (.pdf available here)
1978 Cultural prerequisites for grammatical analysis. In M. Saville-Troike, ed., Linguistics and Anthropology (GURT 1977), 139–51 (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press). (.pdf available here)
1978 Deixis and deducibility in a Wasco-Wishram passive of evidence. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 4:238–53. (.pdf available here)
1978 Review article on The View from Language: Selected Essays 1948–1974, by Charles F. Hockett. International Journal of American Linguistics 44:235–53. (.pdf available here)
1978 Review of An Areal-Typological Study of American Indian Languages North of Mexico, by Joel Sherzer. Language 54(3):737–41. (.pdf available here)
1978 Yokuts: Introduction. In R. F. Heizer, ed., Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 8, California, 446–47 (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Press/U.S. Government Printing Office).
1979 Chinook Indians. In World Book Encyclopedia, editions of 1979 and subsequently, s.v. (.pdf available here)
1979 Language structure and linguistic ideology. In P. Clyne et al., eds., The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels, April 20–21, 1979, 193–247 (Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society). (.pdf available here)
1979 Penutian: An assessment. In L. Campbell & M. Mithun, eds., The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment, 650–91 (Austin: University of Texas Press). (.pdf available here)
1979 Two bis. International Journal of American Linguistics 45:187–205. (.pdf available here)
1980 Naming sets among the Worora (Northern Kimberley, Australia). Ms. Read at American Ethnological Society Symposium on Naming Systems, Ann Arbor, April; to Anthropology Department Seminar, Harvard, October; to Anthropology Department Seminar, Chicago, October; at Australian Anthropological Association annual meeting, Canberra, April 1982. (.pdf available here)
1981 Case marking and the nature of language. Australian Journal of Linguistics 1:227–44. (.pdf available here)
1981 Metaforces of power in traditional oratory. Ms. Read to PERL Lecture Series, The Rhetoric of Politics, University of Chicago, January 1981; to Department of Anthropology colloquium, Yale University, February 1981. (.pdf available here)
1981 The implications of (models of) culture for language. Ms. Presented to SSRC Conference on Conceptions of Culture and Its Acquisition, New York, May. (.pdf available here)
1981 The limits of awareness. Working Papers in Sociolinguistics, no. 84, June 1981 (Austin: Southwest Educational Research Laboratory). [Reprinted: S. Duranti, ed., Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader, 382–401 (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001).]
1984 The ‘value’ of objectual language. Ms. Read at symposium, The Division of Labor in Language and Society, American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Denver. (.pdf available here)
1984 Wasco-Wishram lexical derivational processes vs. word-internal syntax. In D. Testen et al., eds., Papers from the Parasession on Lexical Semantics, 270–88 (Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society). (.pdf available here)
1985 The culture of language in Chinookan narrative texts; or, On saying that…in Chinook. In J. Nichols & A. C. Woodbury, eds., Grammar Inside and Outside the Clause, 132–71 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). (.pdf available here)
1985 Language and the culture of gender: At the intersection of structure, usage, and ideology. In E. Mertz & R. J. Parmentier, eds., Semiotic Mediation: Sociocultural and Psychological Perspectives, 219–59 (Orlando, FL: Academic Press). (.pdf available here)
[Reprinted: B. Blount, ed., Language, Culture, and Society, 2nd ed., 513–550 (Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland, 1995).] (.pdf available here)
1985 Noun phrase categorial markedness and syntactic parametricization. Read to Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, SUNY Buffalo, October.In ESCOL ’85, 337–61 (Columbus, OH: Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University). (.pdf available here)
1985 On the pragmatic “poetry” of prose: Parallelism, repetition, and cohesive structure in the time course of dyadic conversation. In D. Schiffrin, ed., Meaning, Form, and Use in Context: Linguistic Applications (GURT 1984), 181–99 (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press). (.pdf available here)
1985 The functional stratification of language and ontogenesis. In J. Wertsch, ed., Culture, Communication, and Cognition: Vygotskian Perspectives, 205–35 (New York: Cambridge University Press). (.pdf available here)
1986 Classifiers, verb classifiers, and verbal categories. Read at 12th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 12:497–514. (.pdf available here)
1986 The diachrony of Sapir’s synchronic linguistic description; or, Sapir’s ‘cosmographical’ linguistics. In W. Cowan, M. K. Foster, & K. Koerner, eds., New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1–3 October 1984), 67–110 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins). (.pdf available here)
1986 Discussion remarks (various). In W. Cowan, M. K. Foster, & K. Koerner, eds., New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1–3 October 1984), 143, 144, 172, 213, 289–90, 338, 367, 428–31 (on Stanley Newman), 451, 453–54, 587–88 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins). (.pdf available here)
1986 Closing statement. In W. Cowan, M. K. Foster, & K. Koerner, eds., New Perspectives in Language, Culture, and Personality: Proceedings of the Edward Sapir Centenary Conference (Ottawa, 1–3 October 1984), 593–603 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins). (.pdf available here)
1986 On the empirical status of rational choice models (Comments on Buchanan). Working Papers and Proceedings of the Center for Psychosocial Studies, no. 2 (Chicago: Center for Psychosocial Studies). (.pdf available here)
1987 Cognitive implications of a referential hierarchy. In M. Hickmann, ed. Social and Functional Approaches to Language and Thought, 125-64 (Orlando, FL: Academic Press). (.pdf available here)
1987 Foreword. In R. J. Parmentier, The Sacred Remains, xi-xvi (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). (.pdf available here)
1987 The three faces of ‘function’: Preliminaries to a psychology of language. In M. Hickmann, ed., Social and Functional Approaches to Language and Thought, 17–38 (Orlando, FL.: Academic Press, Inc.). (.pdf available here)
1988 De-voice of authority. Ms. Read at symposium, Voice and Authority in Language and Culture, American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Phoenix. (.pdf available here)
1989 “Singularly like our ideal of a scientist.” In M. R. Key & H. M. Hoenigswald, eds., General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics: In Remembrance of Stanley Newman, 45–63 (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter). (.pdf available here)
1990 Chinookans of the Lower Columbia. In Handbook of North American Indians, edited by Wayne Suttles, vol. 7, Northwest Coast, 533–46. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution/U.S. Government Printing Office. (.pdf available here)
1991 A funny thing happened on the way to the form: A functionalist critique of functionalist developmentalism. First Language 11:143–79. (.pdf available here)
1992 Modern Prophets of Language. Ms. monograph. Partly presented in lecture series of the Institute for the Humanities, University of Michigan, October. (.pdf available here)
1992 Sapir’s psychological and psychiatric perspectives on language and culture. California Linguistic Notes 23(2):11–16. (.pdf available here)
1992 The indeterminacy of ‘contextualization’: When is enough enough? In P. Auer & A. DiLuzio, eds., The Contextualization of Language, 55–75 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins). (.pdf available here)
1992 The uses and utility of ideology: Some reflections. Pragmatics 2(3):311–23. [Revised version: The uses and utility of ideology: A commentary. In B. Schieffelin, K. Woolard, & P. Kroskrity, eds., Language Ideologies: Theory and Practice, 123–45 (New York: Oxford University Press).] (.pdf available here)
1993 Metapragmatic discourse and metapragmatic function. In J. A. Lucy, ed., Reflexive Language: Reported Speech and Metapragmatics, 33–58 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). (.pdf available here)
1993 Of dynamos and doorbells: Semiotic modularity and the (over)determination of cognitive representations. In K. Beals et al., eds., What We Think, What We Mean, and How We Say It: Papers from the Parasession on the Correspondence of Conceptual, Semantic, and Grammatical Representations, 319–45 (Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society). (.pdf available here)
1993 Of nominatives and datives: Universal grammar from the bottom up. In R. D. Van Valin, Jr., ed., Advances in Role and Reference Grammar, 465–98 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins). (.pdf available here)
1993 The expanse of grammar in the “waste” of frames. In W. Foley, ed. The Role of Theory in Language Description, 175–91 (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter). (.pdf available here)
1993 A minimax approach to verbal interaction: Invoking ‘culture’ in realtime discursive practice. In Joan A. Argente et al., eds. Workshop on Language, Cognition, and Computation: Lectures…, 79–94 (Barcelona: Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca). (.pdf available here)
1994 ‘Relative motivation’ in denotational and indexical sound symbolism of Wasco-Wishram Chinookan. In L. Hinton, J. Nichols, & J. J. Ohala, eds., Sound Symbolism, 40–60 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). (.pdf available here)
1995 From the meaning of meaning to the empires of the mind: Ogden’s orthological English. Pragmatics 5:185–95. [Revised version: In S. Gal & K. Woolard, eds. Languages and Publics: The making of authority, 69–82 (Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2001).] (.pdf available here)
1995 Kiksht ‘impersonals’ as anaphors and the predictiveness of grammatical-categorial universals. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 21:262–86. (.pdf available here)
1997 Commentary: Achieving adequacy and commitment in pragmatics. Pragmatics 7:625–33. (.pdf available here)
1996 Monoglot “standard” in America: Standardization and metaphors of linguistic hegemony. In D. Brenneis & R. H. S. Macaulay, eds., The Matrix of Language: Contemporary Linguistic Anthropology, 284–306 (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996). Originally published as Monoglot standard in America. Working Papers and Proceedings of the Center for Psychosocial Studies, no. 13 (Chicago: Center for Psychosocial Studies. (.pdf available here)
1996 [with Greg Urban] The natural history of discourse. In M. Silverstein & G. Urban, eds., Natural Histories of Discourse, 1–17 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). (.pdf available here)
1996 The secret life of texts. In M. Silverstein & G. Urban, eds., Natural Histories of Discourse, 81–105 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (.pdf available here)
1996 [with Greg Urban] Codafication [sic]. In M. Silverstein & G. Urban, eds., Natural Histories of Discourse, 329–31 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). (.pdf available here)
1997 Discerning ‘cultural’ concepts: Whorf on linguistically mediated (mis)recognition. Ms. Inaugural Whorf Centennial Lecture, Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, September 1997. (.pdf available here)
1997 Dynamics of linguistic contact. In I. Goddard, ed., Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 17, Languages, 117–36 (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press/U.S. Government Printing Office). (.pdf available here)
1997 Encountering language and languages of encounter in North American ethnohistory. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 6:126–44. (.pdf available here)
1997 The improvisational performance of culture in realtime discursive practice. In R. K. Sawyer, ed., Creativity in Performance, 265–312 (Greenwich, CT: Ablex Publishing Corp.). (.pdf available here)
1998 Contemporary transformations of local linguistic communities. Annual Review of Anthropology 27:401–26. (.pdf available here)
1999 Functions. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9:76–79. [Reprinted: S. Duranti, ed., Key Terms in Language and Culture, 70–74 (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001).] (.pdf available here)
1999 NIMBY goes linguistic: Conflicted ‘voicings’ from the culture of local language communities. Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society 35, part 2: Papers from the Panels, 101–23 (Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society). (.pdf available here)
2000 Whorfianism and the linguistic imagination of nationality. In P. Kroskrity, ed., Regimes of Language: Ideologies, Polities, Identities, 85–138 (Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press). [(Unauthorized) Russian translation, Уорфианство и лингвистическое воображение нации. Trans. Artema Smirnova. Logos 4(49):87–132 (2005).] (.pdf available here)
2001 Comment on “Ritual communication and linguistic ideology: A reading and partial reformulation of Rappaport’s theory of ritual,” by Joel Robbins. Current Anthropology 42:606–7. (.pdf available here)
2001 Limits of Awareness [Revised and updated]. In S. Duranti, ed., Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader, 382–401 (Malden, MA: Blackwell). (.pdf available here)
2002 Gengo to jendaa no bunka: Kouzou, goyou, ideorogii ga kousa suru ryouiki [Language and the culture of gender: The domain where structure, usage, <and> ideology intersect]. Trans. Wataru Koyama et al. Shakai gengo kagaku [Japanese Journal of Language in Society] 4(2):70–107. (.pdf available here)
2003 Communication Event Roles and “Metapragmatic Extensionism:” On the Cognitive Underpinnings of Predication in Grammar. Ms. prepared for the conference, “Fest and Festschrift in Honor of David McNeill,” University of Chicago, Departments of Psychology and Linguistics, 8 June, 2003. (.pdf available here)
2003 Foreword. In, R. K. Sawyer, Improvised Dialogues: Emergence and Creativity in Conversation, vii–x. Westport, CT: Ablex Publishing Corp. (.pdf available here)
2003 Indexical order and the dialectics of sociolinguistic life. Language and Communication 23(3–4):193–229. [Special issue: Words and Beyond: Linguistic and Semiotic Studies of the Sociocultural Order, ed. P. Manning.] (.pdf available here)
2003 The whens and wheres – as well as hows – of ethnolinguistic recognition. Public Culture 15(3):531–57. (.pdf available here)
2003 Translation, transduction, transformation: Skating glossando on thin semiotic ice. In P. Rubel & A. Rosman, eds., Translating Cultures: Perspectives on Translation and Anthropology, 75–105 (Oxford & New York: Berg). (.pdf available here)
2004 Boasian cosmographic anthropology and the sociocentric component of mind. In R. Handler, ed., History of Anthropology, vol. 10, Significant Others: Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology, 131–57 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press). (.pdf available here)
2004 “Cultural” concepts and the language-culture nexus. Current Anthropology 45(5):621–52. [Expanded version:] (.pdf available here)
2004 [with Jim Wilce] Where Hybrid “Monsters” Dwell. Anthropology News, November 2004, pp. 9, 11. (.pdf available here)
2005 Cultural knowledge, discourse poetics, and the performance of social relations. In A. Makkai, W. J. Sullivan, & A. R. Lommel, eds., LACUS Forum XXXI: Interconnections, 33–52 (Houston: LACUS). (.pdf available here)
2005 Axes of –evals: Token vs. type interdiscursivity. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 15(1):6–22. (.pdf available here)
2005 Comment on “Explorations in the deictic field,” by William F. Hanks. Current Anthropology 46(2):216–17. (.pdf available here)
2005 Languages/Cultures are dead! Long live the linguistic-cultural! In Dan Segal & Sylvia Yanagisako, eds., Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology, 99–125 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). (.pdf available here)
2005 The poetics of politics: “theirs” and “ours.” Journal of Anthropological Research 61(1):1–24. (.pdf available here)
2006 Comment on “Magical laments and anthropological reflections: The production and circulation of anthropological text as ritual activity,” by James M. Wilce. Current Anthropology 47:906–7. (.pdf available here)
2006 Heartburn as a cultural system. In Ruth Cernea, ed. The Great Debate: Latke or Hamantash (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). (.pdf available here)
2006 [Cross-cultural Dialogue with Yamaguchi Akiho] Native Japanese Grammar and Comparative Grammar. Rikkyo University, 30 May. Published as: “Gengogaku o koete” [Beyond linguistics], ed. by Wataru Koyama and Tomokazu Nagai. Gengo 36(4):8–18; 36(5):10–17; 36(6):8–15. [not currently available in the CSCS library]
2006 Old wine, new ethnographic lexicography. Annual Review of Anthropology 35:481–96. (.pdf available here)
2006 Pragmatic Indexing (Indexicality). The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition, vol. 10:14–17 (Oxford: Elsevier). (.pdf available here)
2006 Reflexivity. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition, vol. 10:462–63. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2006). (.pdf available here)
2006 The history of organization of a University of Chicago unit dealing with linguistics. Ms. report, Office of the Dean of the Division of the Humanities, University of Chicago. (.pdf available here)
2006 Writing at the Chronotopic Margins of Empires. In, Seth L. Sanders, ed., Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures, 149–55. Oriental Institute Seminars, no. 2. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press. (.pdf available here)
2007 How knowledge begets communication begets knowledge: Textuality and contextuality in knowing and learning. Intercultural Communication Review (Tokyo) 5:31–60. (.pdf available here)
2009 Private Ritual Encounters, Public Ritual Indexes. In Günter Senft & Ellen Basso, eds., Ritual Communication, 271–92 (Oxford: Berg). (.pdf available here)
2009 Seized by Eminent Domaine: The “Vinification” of Comestible Prestige. Paper presented to the American Philosophical Society Autumn Meeting, 14 November, 2009.
2010 Culture and History in a Kiksht hapax legomenon: The ethnohistorical contextualization of linguistic form,” Keynote Address, Conference on “Language, Culture and History,” University of Wyoming/Wyoming Humanities Council, 1 July; revision presented at the Semiotics: Culture in Context Workshop, University of Chicago 14 October, 2010. (.pdf available here)
2010 “Direct’ and “indirect” communicative acts in semiotic perspective.” Journal of Pragmatics 42(2):337–53. (.pdf available here)
2010 Society, Polity, and Language Community: An Enlightenment Trinity in Anthropological Perspective” Journal of Language and Politics 9(3):339–63. (.pdf available here)
2011 Chishiki-to komyunikeeshon-no benshoo-hoo: Shiru-koto, manabu-koto-ni-okeru tekusuto-sei-to kontekusuto-sei [Translation of “How knowledge begets communication begets knowledge: Textuality and contextuality in knowing and learning”]. Trans., Takeshi Enomoto, Tomokazu Nagai. In Ibunka komyunikeeshon-gaku-e-no shootai [Introduction to Intercultural Communication Studies], ed., Kumiko Torikai, Ken-ichi Noda, Masako Hiraga, & Wataru Koyama, pp. 288–330. Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo. [not currently available in the CSCS library]
2011 Comments on Deeb and Marcus: In the Green Room, Flushed with Para-Sit[e]ic Anticipation. Political and Legal Anthropology Review 34(1):77–80. (.pdf available here)
2011 Presidential Ethno-blooperology: Performance misfires in the business of “message”-ing. Anthropological Quarterly 84(1):165–86. (.pdf available here)
2011 The “message” in the (political) battle. Language and Communication 31(2):203–16. (.pdf available here)
2011 What goes around …: Some shtick from “Tricky Dick” and the circulation of U. S. presidential image. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 21(1):54–77. (.pdf available here)
2011 Oy ♥ Noo Yawk (But Maybe Not Da Tawk a’ Da Town)! Presented as a Humanities Day Lecture, Division of the Humanities, 22 October, 2011.
2012 Does the Autonomy of Linguistics Rest on the Autonomy of Syntax? An alternative framing of our object of study. In Pragmaticizing Understanding: Festschrift for Jef Verschueren, ed. Michael Meeuwis & Jan-Ola Östman, pp. 15–38. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (.pdf available here)
2012 The Eucharistic chiastic trope in American ‘civil religion’: Ritual interdiscursivity and the production of cultural intertexts. In Lexia, Rivista di Semiotica 11-12 (giugno, 2012):297–325. (.pdf available here)
2012 Response: Beyond the “monumental” role of journal publication. American Anthropologist 114(4):573–75. (.pdf available here)
2012 Comment on “Language diversity and social action: A third locus of linguistic relativity” by Jack Sidnell & N. J. Enfield. Current Anthropology 53(3):325. (.pdf available here)
2013 Discourse and the no-thing-ness of culture. Signs and Society 1(2):327–66. (.pdf available here)
2013 From Inductivism to Structuralism: the ‘method of residues’ goes to the field. Posted 11 September 2013 on History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences. of-residues-goes-to-the-field. (.pdf available here)
2013 Worora kinship and “parenteral” relationships. Anthropological Theory 13(1–2):89–103. [Special issue on Qualia, L. H. Chumley & N. Harkness, eds.] (.pdf available here)
2014 Comment on, Constantine V. Nakassis, “Suspended Kinship and Youth Sociality in Tamil Nadu, India.” Current Anthropology 55(2):195–96. (.pdf available here)
2014 Denotation and the Pragmatics of Language. Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology, ed. N. Enfield, P. Kockelman, & J. Sidnell, pp. 128–57. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (.pdf available here)
2014 The race from place: Dialect eradication and terroir of linguistic ‘authenticity’. In Indexing Authenticity: Sociolinguistic Perspectives, Véronique Lacoste, Jacob Leimgruber, & Thiemo Breyer, eds., pp. 159–87. Berlin & New York: de Gruyter. (.pdf available here)
2014 The Voice of Jacob: Entextualization, Contextualization, and Identity. ELH 81:483–520. (.pdf available here)
2014 [with Jef van der Aa & Jan Blommaert] Translatability and the uses of standardization. Working Papers in Urban Language & Literacies (Ghent—Tilburg—Albany— King’s College). Paper 121. (.pdf available here)
2015 An American map in Paris: U. S. views of the Balkans in the peace process. Од Чикаго и назад Papers to Honor Victor A. Friedman on the Occasion of His Retirement. Balkanistica 28:501–18. (.pdf available here)
2015 How language communities intersect: Is “superdiversity” an incremental or transformative condition? Special Issue, The social life of diversity talk, ed. Paja Faudree & Becky Schultheis, Language & Communication 44:7–18. (.pdf available here)
2015 From Baffin Island to Boasian Induction: How Anthropology and Linguistics got into their Interlinear Groove. In Regna Darnell et al., ed., The Franz Boas Papers, Volume 1 : Franz Boas As Public Intellectual—Theory, Ethnography, Activism. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. (.pdf available here)
2015 What’s Cookin’? [Commentary on Stephan Palmié, The Cooking of History: How Not to Study Afro-Cuban Religion (University of Chicago Press, 2013)]. HAU 15(1):547–51. (.pdf available here)
2015 Teleologies of structuralism. Hau 6(3):79–84. (.pdf available here)
2016 Semiotic Vinification and the Scaling of Taste. In Scale: Discourse and Dimensions of Social Life, ed. E. Summerson Carr & Michael Lempert, pp. 185–212. Berkeley: University of California Press. (.pdf available here)
2016 Fabrication, Verification, Authentication: An Introduction. In Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 160:1–5. (.pdf available here)
2016 Performative risks in risking performance. In Translating the Social World for Law, Elizabeth Mertz, William K. Ford, & Greg Matoesian, eds., 85–104. New York: Oxford University Press. (.pdf available here)
2016 The ‘push’ of Lautgesetze, the ‘pull’ of enregisterment. In Sociolinguistics: Theoretical Debates, ed. N. Coupland, pp. 37-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. (.pdf available here)
2016 Standards, styles, and signs of the social self. Keynote address, Conference on “Language, Indexicality, and Belonging: Inaugural conference on linguistic anthropology,” Stephen Leonard et al., organizers. Somerville College, University of Oxford, 8 April. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 9(1). (.pdf available here)
2017 [with Webb Keane] Curated Conversation: “Materiality, It’s the Stuff!” In Language and Materiality, edited by J. Cavanaugh and S. Shankar, pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (.pdf available here)
2017 Forty years of speaking (of) the same (object) language – sans le savoir. Special double issue: Langues, langages, et discours en sociétés: La revue a 40 ans. Langage et Société 160–161:93–110. (.pdf available here)
2017 The Fieldwork Encounter and the Colonized Voice of Indigeneity. Representations 137(1):23–43. (.pdf available here)
2017 Message, Myopia, Dystopia. HAU post-election forum, ed. K. Hall & D. Goldstein. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7(1).407-13.
2017 Introduction. In Introduction to Handbook of American Indian Languages, and American Indian linguistic families north of Mexico (by Franz Boas and J. W. Powell), v–xviii. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. (.pdf available here)
2017 The colorful but misguided recent life of “linguistic relativity.” Paper presented at the conference, “Langage et Société: Un dialogue entre Paris et Chicago,” Paris, 12–14 June. 13 June 2017.
2018 Of two minds about minding language in culture. In Indigenous Visions, Ned Blackhawk and Isaiah Lorado Wilner, eds. pp. 147–65, New Haven: Yale University Press. (.pdf available here)
2019 Getting – and getting across – the message across. Ryerson’s Lecture, 24 October 2019. University of Chicago.
2019 Texts, entextualized and artifactualized: the shapes of discourse. College English 82(1):55–76. (.pdf available here)
2020 Narrating Biography versus Biographical Indexicality. Ancient Egyptian Biographies: Contexts, Forms, Functions, edited by Julie Stauder-Porchet, Elizabeth Frood, Andréas Stauder, 9–28. Atlanta, GA: Lockwood Press. (.pdf available here)
2021 Coda. “Generics,” special journal issue, ed. by Chip Zuckerman. Language in Society 50:619–21. (.pdf available here)
2021 Landscape and Language. In Indigenous Languages and the Promise of Archives, edited by A. Link, A. Shelton, and P. Spero, 305–308 (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press). (.pdf available here)
2021 The dialectics of indexical semiosis: Scaling up and out from the “actual” to the “virtual.” Special Issue: Language Ideologies and Social Positioning: Structures, Scales, and Practices; Issue Editors: Brigitta Busch, Jürgen Spitzmüller and Mi-Cha Flubacher. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 272:13–45. (.pdf available here)
2022 Boas—Sapir—Bloomfield: The synchronicization of phonology in American Linguistics. Chapter in: B. Elan Dresher and Harry van der Hulst, eds., Oxford handbook of the history of phonology. Oxford University Press. (.pdf available here)
Book Reviews, Review Essays
1972 Review of Bodega Miwok Dictionary, by Catherine A. Callaghan. General Linguistics 12: 128–34. (.pdf available here)
1972 Review of Nez Perce Grammar, by Haruo Aoki. International Journal of American Linguistics [IJAL] 38: 62–76. (.pdf available here)
1973 Review of Method and Theory in Linguistics, ed. by Paul L. Garvin. General Linguistics 13:135–62. (.pdf available here)
1974 Review of Maung Grammar, Texts and Vocabulary, by A. Capell & H. E. Hinch. American Anthropologist 76(3):643. (.pdf available here)
1977 Review of Studies in Northwest Indian Languages by James E. Hoard and Thom M. Hess. International Journal of American Linguistics 43(1):75. (.pdf available here)
1979 Review of Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, ed. by R. W. Cole. American Anthropologist 81:133–34. (.pdf available here)
1979 Behind Babel. Review of Universals of Human Language, 4 vols., ed. by Joseph H. Greenberg, Charles A. Ferguson, & Edith Moravcsik. Journal of Communication 29:223–24. (.pdf available here)
1979 Ruth M. Kempson, Presupposition and the delimitation of semantics. Language in Society 8:279–81. (.pdf available here)
1980 Phonic Form. Review article on The Sound Shape of Language, by Roman Jakobson & Linda Waugh. Journal of Communication 30:212–15. (.pdf available here)
1980 Review of four recent works in Australian linguistics. American Anthropologist 82:610–11. (.pdf available here)
1981 Reinventing the will: A philosophy of the elements of the human mind. Review article on The Said and the Unsaid, by Stephen Tyler. Reviews in Anthropology 8:311–34. (.pdf available here)
1982 Review of On the Autonomy and Comparability of Linguistic and Ethnographic Descriptions, by Noel W. Schutz, Jr. International Journal of American Linguistics 48:342–44. (.pdf available here)
1985 Review of American Indian Linguistics and Literature, by W. Bright. Linguistics 23:171–73. (.pdf available here)
1985 Review of Semantic Anthropology, ed. by D. Parkin. American Ethnologist 12:795–96. (.pdf available here)
1986 Review of The Seven Day Circle, by E. Zerubavel. American Journal of Sociology 92:218–19. (.pdf available here)
1987 Review of On Anthropological Knowledge, by D. Sperber, and of Culture, Thought, and Social Action, by S. J. Tambiah. Contemporary Sociology 16:223–24. (.pdf available here)
1991 Problems of Sapir historiography. Review article on Edward Sapir: Linguist, Anthropologist, Humanist, by Regna Darnell. Historiographia Linguistica 18:181–204. (.pdf available here)
1992 Review of Pronouns and People: The Linguistic Construction of Social and Personal Identity, by Peter Mühlhäusler & Rom Harré. American Anthropologist 94:708–9. (.pdf available here)
1993 Review of Language and Symbolic Power, by Pierre Bourdieu. American Ethnologist 20:24–25. (.pdf available here)
2002 Review of Law and the Language of Identity: Discourse in the William Kennedy Smith rape trial, by G. M. Matoesian. American Journal of Sociology 107:1363–65. (.pdf available here)
2003 Ruling Classes: Michael Silverstein on The Chicago Manual of Style. Bookforum, Fall 2003 issue, pp. 34–35. (.pdf available here)
2006 How we look from where we stand. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 16:269–78. (.pdf available here)
2006 Review of A world of others’ words: Cross-cultural perspectives on intertextuality, by Richard Bauman. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 12(1):225–26.
2009 Review of On Creating a Usable Culture: Margaret Mead the Emergence of American Cosmopolitanism, by Maureen A. Molloy. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 15(1):181–82. (.pdf available here)
2012 The [ ] walked down the street. [Review of Saussure, by John Joseph (Oxford University Press, 2012)]. London Review of Books 34(21):17–18 (8 November 2012). (.pdf available here)
2015 “Whorfians.” [Review of John McWhorter, The Language Hoax: Why the World Looks the Same in Any Language (Oxford University Press, 2014)]. TLS March 27, 2015, p. 25. (.pdf available here)
2018 Rebuilding Shattered Worlds [Review of Creating Community by Voicing the Past by Andrea L. Smith and Anna Eisenstein.] Biography 41(2):452–55. (.pdf available here)
Obituaries, Biographical Essays
1972 Melville Jacobs (1902–1971). Linguistic Society of America Bulletin, no. 52 (March 1972), 42–43. (.pdf available here)
1974 [with Fred Eggan] Walter Dyk (1899–1972). American Anthropologist 76(1):86–87. (.pdf available here)
1987 Stanley Newman [obituary article]. Language 63:346–60. (.pdf available here)
1991 Bloomfield, Leonard. In C. Winters, ed., International Dictionary of Anthropologists, 66–67 (New York: Garland Publishing). (.pdf available here)
1994 Newman, Stanley. In H. Stammerjohann, ed., Lexicon Grammaticorum, 671 (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag). (.pdf available here)
1994 Whitney, William Dwight. In H. Stammerjohann, ed., Lexicon Grammaticorum, 1007–1009 (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag). (.pdf available here)
2002 Joseph Harold Greenberg (1915–2001). [obituary article] American Anthropologist 104:630–35. (.pdf available here)
2003 Charles Francis Hockett (1916–2000) [obituary article]. American Anthropologist 105(1):225–28. (.pdf available here)
2005 [with Paul Friedrich] Norman A. McQuown [obituary article]. Anthropology News 46(8):34. (.pdf available here)
2006 [with Robert Brightman & Robert Moore] Kathrine Story (“Kay”) French [obituary article]. Anthropology News 47(6):50, September 2006. (.pdf available here)
2008 McQuown, Norman Anthony. In Lexicon Grammaticorum, 2nd ed. Tübingen: Max-Niemeyer Verlag (2008). (.pdf available here)
2009 Joseph H. Greenberg [biographical memoir]. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 153(3):341–48 (2009). (.pdf available here)
2010 Dell Hathaway Hymes [obituary article]. Language 86(4):933–39. (.pdf available here)
2017 Paul William Friedrich [obituary article]. American Anthropologist 119(2):388–90. (.pdf available here)
1979 Linguists respond to Bohannan. [Letter co-signed by 10 others.] Anthropology Newsletter 20(2):2. (.pdf available here)
2008 From the Associate Editor for Linguistic Anthropology. American Anthropologist 110(2):172–73. (.pdf available here)